how to use c if else in jsp

jsp - jstl if else choose / when not evaluating variables - Stack Overflow.
Ternary Operations in JSTL | Object Partners.
if yes, what exactly is the role of JSTL code within the JSP. The aim of a JSP. Also for JSTL use, from what i understand it is used within the JSP for dynamic HTML rendering through if..else statements. You are. Stephen C.

Conditional statements are essential for any programming language, but before JSTL, JSP did not. You can use the <c:if> action with the following syntax:.
JSP programming best practice: Use JSTL in place of Java code.
c:if tag (JSP forum at JavaRanch) - Coderanch.
Introduction to the Java Standard Tag Library - SitePoint.
Then use the <c:choose> , <c:when> and <c:otherwise> to simulate the if -then- else <c:choose> <c:when test="${!bean.isAuthorized}"> <input.
JSP scriptlets should not be used for writing business logic.. and flow-control part of the scriptlets as in using if , for and switch statements and out.print() things. .. iMaxCols=0; t; <c:choose> <c:when test="${param.action.
The value of the variable is NAT which is correct and I want to apply certain page .. how to use <c:if> in jsp file. eclipse said it is unknown tag.
Core Tag Library - The Java EE 5 Tutorial - Oracle Documentation.
java - JSTL if tag for equal strings - Stack Overflow.